Regular expressions


RE Meaning
. any char
* any number of previous (including zero)
+ any number of previous
$ end of line
^ beginning of the line
\S any non-whitespace char
\s any whitespace
? optional char
\ escape char
[a-z] any lowercase char
[A-Z] any uppercase char
[A-Za-z] any char at all
[0-9] any number
[0-9][0-9] any number 2 digits
[A-Za-z][0-5] any char and any from 0 to 5
* Any line with an asterisk
\* Any line with an asterisk
\ Any line with a backslash
ˆ* Any line starting with an asterisk
ˆA* Any line
ˆA* Any line starting with an “A*”
ˆAA* Any line if it starts with one “A”
ˆAA*B Any line with one or more “A”'s followed by a “B”
ˆA{4,8}B Any line starting with 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 “A”'s followed by a “B”
ˆA{4,}B Any line starting with 4 or more “A”'s followed by a “B”
{4,8} # Any line with “{4,8}”
A{4,8} # Any line with “A{4,8}”

More matches.

RE Class Type Meaning
. all Character Set Single character (except newline)
ˆ all Anchor Beginning of line
$ all Anchor End of line
[…] all Character Set Range of characters
*a\< Basic Anchor Beginning of word
> Basic Anchor End of word
Basic Backreference Remembers pattern
\1..\9 Basic Reference Recalls pattern
_+ Extended Modifier One or more duplicates
? Extended Modifier Zero or one duplicate
{MN} Extended Modifier M to N Duplicates
(…\ …) Extended Anchor Shows alteration
alteration EMACS Anchor shows alteration
\w EMACS Character set Matches a letter in a word
\W EMACS Character set Opposite of \wll Modifier zero or more duplicates*

E-mail RE

grep "\S+@\S\+\.[A-Za-z]\+"

